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The whore of Alberto Fernández at the opening of the Celac summit: "I leave the Summit of the Americas inaugurated"


The President confused the name of the event at the end of his speech and hit the gavel that started the summit.

President Alberto Fernández received this Tuesday as host the attendees of the VII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), which is taking place in Buenos Aires amid strict security measures.

Around 10:30 a.m., the president spoke at the Sheraton Hotel in Retiro.

At the end of his opening speech, in which he remarked that "democracy is definitely at risk," the Argentine president

committed a trick by confusing the event with the Summit of the Americas.

"Now I must give a blow with this hammer and declare the session inaugurated, thus inaugurating the Summit of the Americas... From Celac, sorry, from Celac," he said, before the 33 heads of state that make up the regional mechanism.

The moment in which Alberto Fernández hits the hammer and commits the whore.

Alberto Fernández inaugurated the Latin American forum with an extensive speech, the day after his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolás Maduro announced that he would not come to the country, questioned by allegations of human rights violations, as were his counterparts from Cuba and Nicaragua, Miguel Díaz. -Canel -present in Buenos Aires- and Daniel Ortega.

"We believe in democracy and

democracy is definitely at risk

. After the pandemic we have seen ultra-right sectors standing up and threatening each of our peoples, we cannot allow that recalcitrant and fascist right to put the security of our people at risk towns," he said.

The head of state listed "the Bolivian coup", "the madness in the streets of Brasilia a week after Lula took office" and in Argentina with the assassination attempt on Vice President Cristina Kirchner.

"We must not allow it and we have to work together and categorically in the defense of democracy and institutions, it is something that Latin America owes itself to and cannot ignore," he stated during his inaugural speech.

After criticism for the invitations to Maduro, Díaz-Canel and Ortega, whose regimes are harshly questioned for human rights violations and the arrests of political prisoners, Fernández highlighted the legitimacy of the members of the organization.

"All those who are here have been elected by their peoples and their peoples legitimize their rulers, regardless of how each people decides, in diversity we must respect each other and in diversity we must be together," said Fernández.

In addition, he said he had the tranquility of having exercised his presidency of Celac asking for the end of the economic sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela.

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Between absences and a strong security operation, Alberto Fernández opened the Celac summit: "Democracy is definitely at risk"

"He was afraid": Mauricio Macri's message after the suspension of Nicolás Maduro's trip to Argentina

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-01-24

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